My internship has come to a close.
The two months ran through my fingers like
water, and I am left here just trying to remember all the amazing
experiences, people, animals that I had the good fortune of encountering.
Two months may sound like a long time, but in reality Ive come to realize that two months barely scratch the surface on this incredible floating rock.
The people I met who I would of never met in a million years are some of the best people i have ever come to know, and i feel like i got to know them really well after spending two months with them. Every day, 10 hours, for 2 months is a long time.
People you laughed with, people who shared in the good times, and bad times, people who were in the same boat as you. Maybe not from the same walks of life, but people who were your comrades through
the thick and thin. I will never forget everybody from the dive shop, and they have left an everlasting impression on me.
Never in a million years would I ever of met these people had I not been on this internship.
Never in a million years would I of thought I would see the things I have seen in these brief two months.
As a kid I remember being engrossed with marine life, watching nature documentaries, imagining one day seeing the images on TV in person.
Seeing octopus change colors before my very eyes, witnessing shoals of fish swim by, paying to mind the diver beside them.
NEVER did i for a second think it would become a reality. From growing up in the desert never did i believe the winds of life would steer me to my true passion. It was unheard of growing up for a desert rat to leave the great dry bareness for sparkling seas of abundance and beauty.
Well Ive truly been fortunate to be allowed to fulfill my childhood dream. The 10 year old me sitting in
amazement at national geographic ocean documentaries to the 21 year old me sitting in utter awe as a 2 meter round sting ray swims half a foot away from me, as another massive rough tailed ray swims above circling one of the the rock formations at Poco Naufragio.
Seeing a sea turtle gracefully emerge out from the blue distance, and touching my arm. Experiences such as these have changed my perspective on everything.
I always cared about the environment, and marine life. I always knew all life on earth was precious,
but ocean life is always put on the back burner because we cant see it.
We all know it is there, but to actually encounter them on a daily basis has just reaffirmed the urgency of the situation.
How much longer can the world just sit on the sidelines while a few people rape our precious
Now that I am a PADI Divemaster I can see doors opening, I actually feel
like I have options for once.
Obviously I want to finish University , but
now I am beginning to see that there a whole world out there I didn't think
existed. I knew scuba diving was something people did, but never did I think
it could actually play a huge role in changing the way things are with the
Its really up to me at this point to see how far I can go with this,
and only time will tell, but Diving is definitely something I can never part
ways with now.
I am truly thankful to have been allowed the opportunity to
intern with the dive shop.
Good times, and bad times, it was all part of the growing process.
I don't believe for a second, and it is like Pete said, that the person who walked in on day 1 is the person who walked out on day 60.
The work, the diving, the debriefs, bollockings, all them have helped me grow not just as a diver but as a person.
Never will I do all the things I use to do in the same light. Ive just developed a different perspective on
my life, and I am grateful for that.
Now i just need to get my life on track and see where i go.
Well now the all the finality is said, Lets look back
at this last week.
It was the Best week I have had. From diving with sea
turtles, to giant rays, Cuttlefish, octopus, the dsd workshop which was the
most laughing I have done underwater.
SO much laughing that I began
swallowing water and coughing. Laughing while scuba diving has proved to be
and occupational hazard I was not aware of.
To Further compliment the
laughter one of the interns Nemo getting headbutted by a seaturtle is a
sight i will always look back and laugh on.
Looking back on my final week ,
and the whole internship as I type this is all smiles. I will never forget
the people the place, and the dives.
Dive and Sea was my foster family for
two months and you will be missed. Thanks for the journey
PS.. a
Divemaster is an Instructors bitch. IS THAT the unofficial label :P
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