Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello everyone, and welcome to the new Dive and Sea Tenerife Divemaster blog!

My name is Kim, I am 21 years old, and I am a Divemaster intern at Dive and Sea Tenerife.

I am from Holland, and I grew up in a big, cozy family of five children. Since I was little (well, I’m still little, but anyway) I have always loved animals and water.
At a very young age, it was already clear to me that I wanted to do a job that, ideally, involved both.

Therefore, I did everything I possibly could to become a sea mammal trainer. As soon as possible, I quit high school and started my education in Animal Care, directly followed by Animal Management.

I did many internships at companies like a zoo, a dog training school, a farm, a sea mammal research center and finally two internships at the dolphinariums in Belgium and Tenerife.

At the end of my internship in the dolphinarium in Belgium, they offered me a job in which I now work fulltime during summer, but it is only a seasonal job.
I quickly fell in love with the Dolphins and enjoy working with them very much. In wintertime, I had to find something else to do, and so I decided to do an education as a swimming teacher. Another job that involved water, and I loved doing it.

The second winter, again, I had to find something to keep me busy. This time, I decided that I’d like to learn more about Scuba Diving.
It would also be a very useful addition to my résumé. I started looking at the Internet and found a PADI dive center that seemed very interesting.
It was located in Tenerife, where I had lived before during my internship at Loro Parque. I booked my internship, along with many Scuba Diving certifications, and I’m looking forward to learn yet another job in an industry that involves water.

Thanks for reading,  I’ll keep you updated!




  1. Great that you are doing what you love to do while earning a living. Hope you impart more inspiration to some divers to be responsible in taking care the underwater and its creatures.

    Honolulu Oahu

  2. Hallo,

    Can you please give an advice how it is possible to apply for the internship at Loro Parque?

    Thanks in advance,

