Thursday, December 6, 2012

PADI Rescue Course. EFR and of course more diving

What a week, what a week , oh you should have been there.
My week started with 2 dives at Las Eras, where I have never been before. The visibility during the dives wasn’t the best and there was a little current, especially on the first dive. 
But I enjoyed both dives. I think the second dive on the pipeline was really fascinating.

Diving Tenerife

Next day I had 2 dives, the first at Poco Naufragio and the 2nd at Starfish Bay. I really enjoyed the dives, Alice was leading the dive and we had a very nice customer with us, Ann, who really enjoyed herself during the dives as well.
At Poco Naufragio we saw a Common Ray and I especially liked the two Black Moray Eels and the Fangtooth Moray who where together, and Alice was feeding them which looked pretty scary to me.

Fangtooth Moray Eel

Wednesday was definitely a fun day and we learned a lot as well. 
We started at 10:00 o'clock which made everyone very happy because we didn't have to prepare kits and tanks in the morning because we were not going diving, we had our EFR(Emergency First Response) course. 
Pete was instructing Dennis, Andreas, Mahmoud, Angela and me, and even Sam was there even though he already is a Divemaster since this week. 
We had a lot of fun, especially during the scenario’s Pete gave us to do, I think the best one was when we all came back from our 5 minute break and Sam was laying on the flour and Canadian Dave was laying on a bench and nobody was responding to that because we all thought they were just laying there for no reason!
So we were sent back outside while they told us this was a real scenario. 
EFR ~ First Aid Course Tenerife

We went back in and lucky for us we saved Sam, but Canadian Dave is still recovering from the fact that Andreas was giving him mouth to mouth breathing. 
After our fun EFR morning we had lunch and went to the swimming pool to do some swimming. I finally broke my 11 minutes, only with 3 seconds, but I broke my 11 minutes. 
It’s a shame that Alice or Pete wasn't timing because now it doesn't count for real. 
And in the evening I practiced kit assemble and disassemble with Dennis.

Thursday I had my day off so I cleaned my entire apartment and I did some shopping because I invited the interns that were working that day for lunch at my place. So when Dennis, Andreas and Mahmoud walked in they didn’t even recognize my apartment any more because it was so clean. 
Then I made them some lunch which they really enjoyed, lucky for me. Angela was sick that day so unfortunately she missed our fun lunch. But I saved  fruit salad that I made for our vegetarian Angela and she ate it in the evening after we practiced kit assemble and disassemble with Dennis and Andreas.

Friday was really, really exciting because I had my first night dive ever. I was a little scared and I was so nervous, but everything went all right. Actually it was really beautiful and I just tried to enjoy myself as much as possible and just look at the fish and follow the group. I really liked the Parrot fish, I saw one with really bright colors and it was so beautiful. I liked the plankton as well, when you move your hand in the water you can see them light up which is really pretty.
Night Diving Tenerife

Saturday really was a messy day. We made so many silly mistakes on everything! So I hope everyone that was working that day, including me, just learned from the mistakes we made so it won’t happen again. 
Apart from that I really liked my dive at Pequeño Valle even though it was a pretty short dive because there was a little current which became stronger while we moved on. 
And now the best part of the day was that we practised Rescue skills in the marina, and that was so much fun. It just becomes so much more real when you practice them, especially with the panicked diver. 
While practising the panicked diver I found out that it’s more difficult than I thought. I started practising with Alice and she started easy on me just being a little panicked diver, but then it got real and I found out that a panicked diver can be pretty, pretty dangerous.
PADI Rescue Course

After doing the rescue skills we washed the kits and nobody know how it happened but I lost one of my fins, and the bad part was that it was the fin with my mask and snorkel in it. So that situation made me a little sad, as soon as we found out that my fin was missing Dennis jumped in the water but he didn't find my fin back.

Sunday was a relaxed day. I took Dennis, Andreas and Mahmoud to the swimming pool to practice our skills and I could really see that the boys are improving on their skills and I could practice at the same time helping them. 
Unfortunately Angela couldn't join us because she had a little injury on her leg/foot. We washed the cars as well and that was a lot of fun. And we did our 400 meter swim and this time I really wished that that the time counted because my time was 10:22 which is my fastest time ever.
But I'm really happy with my time and I'm just hoping that I can do it again, or maybe even better.
Oh and the best part of today, Mahmoud went diving in the marina under supervision from Melissa to find my fin and he found my fin, my mask and my snorkel back!

So I’m really happy and Mahmoud is the hero of the day.

Up to w

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