Friday, October 12, 2012

3 New Divemasters :-)

Masters of Diving. Jess started the week leading dives at Abades, as part of her Divemaster internship with some great customers seeing a range of cool stuff from Sea hares to Moray eels and our favorite Octopus’s.

Not a bad dive in all for Jess. Geoffrey took his older sister Shontelle on a DSD dive, Discover Scuba Diving. Where they first started off in the pool progressing to the open water.
She had a great time and had done really well it was lovely to see brother and sister diving together.

Wednesday we all looked forward to the night dive.
With an early start of 5.30 am we made off to Yellow Mountain to see the creatures of the night. We saw many Octopus out of there holes wandering the sea bed. They had such great colours completely different to the day, which was cool.

We had found a Moray Eel that was out of his home who decided that we got to close and swam at Geoffrey.

Towards the end of the night dive we surfaced in the middle of no where with an enjoyable swim back to the boat due to some navigational errors.
Geoffrey, as part of his Divemaster stamina, completed his 400m swim and 15 minute float gain some good grades with a 4 and a 5.
Geoffrey also went to Las Eras to do his Deep Dive as part of his Master Scuba Diver certification.
He also had the bad luck of seeing a dead Turtle and an Octopus eating a Trumpet fish giving it the name Death Row.

Things where getting serious now. We completed our Divemaster skills all of us getting at least 100 out of 120 a great effort from all involved.
In the Afternoon we sat our Divemaster Exams all getting great scores ranging from 94% to 97% everyone was well chuffed.

As part of Project AWARE we all went out knife in hand and stabbed up some urchins making plenty of fish food. We must of killed over 250 between us ridding that section of the ocean of the pests it was great letting all that frustration out.

Todd completed his stamina test’s doing well in his 800m snorkel and 100m tow.

Our last skill to complete was the Kit Exchange where our buddy and us had to work out the best way to swap all our items if kit whilst breathing through one regulator.
It went without one mistake and we all smashed it getting 5’s.

We are now all Certified PADI Divemasters WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Not a bad week at all.

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