Monday, June 4, 2012

EFR, SMB and in love with the French girl

Well the start of week two, time fly’s by so quick here and hopefully I will pass my PADI Divemaster this week!

We started off the week with the Emergency First Response course for Aaron and refresher course for me.  Always great fun and loads of laughs doing CPR and rescue breaths on  Resussie Annie (or Canadian  Dave as he is known in the DC)  and general first Aid, followed by the EFR exam.

I joined the hall of shame, with Chris and George, for failing part 1 of the exam but passed the second time. Must actually read the whole question and each part of the answer!

I have been doing lots of swimming this week, with Aaron, as I’ve been struggling to get a good enough time for my 400m swim, so doing it twice a day on the advice of Pete, at least now I can manage to complete the 400m without stopping! Fantastic improvement on my first week where I could not complete the laps without stopping.

Today Pete, Aaron and I were taking Rafal for two boat dives at Yellow Mountain.  I was on boat support topping up on my tan, making sure the tanks had the right fitting for them for the next dive all good stuff!

Rafal seemed to enjoy the dives even though he hadn’t dived for a while , followed by equipment cleaning which is getting faster all the time as Aaron and I have begun to get in to a routine.

This week I have been concentrating on the skill circuit with Aaron, which is really helping me as I am  seeing what Aaron is doing and correcting him, they are looking a lot better .
Pete said they were good but just needs to slow down which is good for me as I’ve been showing and going through them with him, I also was scored on  my pre dive safety check for Divemaster all good there another tick it the box.

Confined Water Rescue in the afternoon me playing the dead victim (nothing new there!) Aaron did well; he got a bit of a shock when I climbed all over him after bringing me to the surface!

Then on to the open water rescue scenarios, I disconnected my low pressure inflator which took Aaron a while to work out but he got there in the end the funniest bit was playing a lifeless body while Aaron tried to drag me into the boat… he claims I need to lose some weight cheecky!!! .

In the afternoon we did our Surface Buoy Marker (SMB) Distinctive Speciality.

Fabulous new purchases  at Prosub new fins, and ended up getting new mask and gloves too (like a kid in a sweet shop), Melissa said look I look like Batman in it so decided to but bat ears on my hood for the next day .

Last thing of the day Pete said kit assembly, Preparation and disassembly for my Dive Master and if you get it right you’re a DM (no pressure then!) well fluffed it up, so at least another day to wait.

Discover Scuba Diving in the pool with Severine, renamed Eight (much to my frustration I cannot explain her new name to her so she understands why we think its funny our French English chats are rather funny!)

She was a bit nervous to say the least with a little time and loads of encouragement all went well she was swimming around happily by the end.  Then out to Yellow Mountain Where I gave a much more acceptable dive brief, Adel and Karina joined us all.
Everyone seemed to like the Bat man look as it got a few laughs.  Today I found out just how hard work it is dragging someone around even with my new sling shot fins which are very nice if I say so myself.

Finished up at the marina then on to the dreaded Kit Assembly Preparation and disassembly which went very well I’m pleased to say (final tick in the box). Aaron was told he had passed his PADI Rescue Diver Course big congratulations to him as he as been here only two weeks.

And finally was told I had passed my PADI Divemaster with swimming twice a day all week it really does pay off.  Big thanks to Pete and Melissa for putting up with me all these weeks through the good, the bad and ugly.

Only four weeks left and Assistant Instructor still to do.

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