Monday, September 10, 2012

Nervous, excited and being the "New Kids"

Waking up at the start of something new is a difficult feeling to describe. A mix of excitement, nervousness and intrigue at what is to come is the closest I can get. Unfortunately we did not get off to a spectacular start, as we were 15 minutes late for pick up…

At least we could only improve right?

The rest of the day went reasonably smoothly; not having to do anything trying contributed to that.

Alice and Pete ran us through the ins and outs of what is expected of us new little lambs which by confirming the looks on the other two faces seemed a tad daunting, with the complex system of organization.

Our first pool diving session by Pete and watched the other interns give some reassuring, informative skill demonstrations that made me perfectly confident in being able to do them after.

After that we went to do our first open water boat diving experience in Tenerife. (and was assured by Pete that a RIB was definitely a boat after some of Matts questions).

After returning from the dives, washed the kit, and returned everything to the shop for the end of the day.

Tuesday was a nice relaxing day to begin with, then we were introduced to the big ugliness that is the 400m swim. It did not help that we were so unfit that eating a chocolate bar is tiring. Needless to say, our times were slower than a legless horse at the races.

We then experienced what cleaning kit with Melissa is like and I am now in the process of developing schemes to take revenge for nearly being drowned with a hosepipe.

After a quick pint at the pub it was time to churn through some first aid reviews with Conan the Destroyer on the tele in the background. At least dinner tonight wasn’t as big a disaster as last night.

We practiced doing briefs for Bubble makers using the other interns as eight year olds which turned out be not that dissimilar. One or two things to remember for next time first is that an eight year old will not listen to you for twenty minuets and will not be entertained by one game for very long (To be fair, Foster could bore the paint off a wall –Matt).

We then spent some time filling toys with sand so we could play with them under water, and according to Jake it looked as though I was having the most fun I’ve had had all week (I wouldn’t exactly put it like that)

Pool Skills. Coming from a BSAC background, Foster and I had different experiences with pool skills and gear.

Some of the PADI skills we had never encountered before. Cue hilarious stupidity during the hovers. If someone had just tuned in to watching this underwater fiasco I would dare say a sense of pity and bemusement would cross their minds. I was also daft enough to underweight myself as I forgot I was not using a shorty so occasionally I decided to float up to the surface during weight belt removing and the like which probably did not help my scores.

Regardless, the day passed and I even managed to meet some Chinese people that reminded me of home in a lovely restaurant which was nice.

Second time doing the 400m swim and first time doing the 800m snorkel one after the other (thanks to Jake for that one). And did much better all around.
It is true that once you learn you cant forget how to swim, but you can forget how to swim well.
Luckily I think it coming back to me… a bit.
And in the 800m snorkel Matt and I got good times considering it was the first time we did it.

The morning started with setting up two DSDs kit for their pool dives which took far too long for some reason. Leaving the training to the more experienced people than us, we started watching the Advanced diver video.

One of the things that I am set on doing is getting hold of a Diver Propulsion Vehicle and tearing through the underwater world as if I’m flying a Eurofighter. It genuinely looks like a massive laugh. Shame about one costing more than my current life savings.

We were joined after by a customer going through her Rescue diver course and we then hit the marina in the afternoon with Jake and Jamie to go through their practical rescue skills.
Unlucky for them, we got to play the hapless victims. Needless to say when Jamie attempted to subdue a certain panicked diver, she did not expect herself to turn into a climbing frame for said diver.

Started the day by setting up our kit ready to go out on the boat to help with the rescue divers again.

We had to help find a “lost” diver and pretend to be unresponsive and got lifted to the surface before getting pulled on to the boat. It’s a shame we cant get on to the boat that way every time, its much easier than doing it yourself.

Only one person "fell out" of the boat on the way back, luckily enough the newly qualified rescue divers on the boat leapt to his aid with a rope and BCD.

We finished the day early as everyone was keen on getting home to watch the formula 1.

A rewarding but tiring week, but ready for more.......

Matt & Foster

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