Monday, November 19, 2012

Dolphins , Flooded Masks and awesome diving

Yes, now I'm finally here. Now i've suffered from cold and boredom for such a long time and finally pulled myself together to go do something crazy.
What could give me more a change and more experience than to go doing a PADI Divemaster internship here at Dive And Sea Tenerife though i only tried diving twice before.

And did i got a change! Ten hour workday most days, and freaking hard work sometimes. Still a workday that involves multiple dives most days and 27 degrees in the shade could be worse.

Well I arrived on the 31'st of October together with my friend Dennis, completely exhausted from a 28 hour travel from Denmark to Golf Del Sur, involving sightseeing in London and a boys-night-out in the airport, only to get greeted by an always ecstatic Melissa informing us that there's Halloween party for all interns at Dive And Sea and that we are most welcome.

As the gentlemen both Dennis and I are, there's no declining on the first day. So off we go on a hazardous mission to get Halloween costumes for the upcoming party.
Great way of meeting the other interns though. There really a great group of people, with each and everyone's special flaws, talents, workforce and humor, but everyone's got their own place here.

After our night out, we started straight on to our first day with getting all the equipment in order and pool exercises with Pete and Alice, didn't take me long to get back into the feeling and find what I had missed the whole time since my last Discover Scuba Dive, which I actually performed with the same people in the same pool nearly two years ago.

Then it was finally time for the real dive experience on my second day here. Yellow Mountain. Me, Dennis, Pete and two other people taking a PADI Open Water course.The last thing Pete says before we leave the boat is, "Since this is your first time in the ocean, you probably shouldn't look down, since it looks very far for inexperienced diver".
When I get in the water the first thing I do is of course to look down. And what a sight. I just couldn't wait to get to swim down there.
It all went well, and though I was a bit weary about my completely flooded mask skill, nothing can get in the way of doing my courses. So of with the freaking mask (Turned out to be easier than in the pool) and doing and the skills to somewhat perfection.

Every other day has just gotten better and better, since I'm really getting into the rhythm in the morning (except the fact that it is really early in the morning) and the dives keep getting better and better.

It was kinda the best day of my life the day when all the kits got assembled in no time, compared to our normal level of confusion.

On the way to Yellow Mountain we stop and watch dolphins swimming around us in the sunrise. Later had a really fun dive with Sam, Angela and Mahmud,
Then we were really quick cleaning the kits so i got an hour lying in the sun at the marina, waiting for people getting back from their shore dive. All in all a really really good day.

I passed my PADI Open Water exam okay and got some kind words from Pete about my under water appearance, so that's at least the first stop.

Obviously I'm far from doing everything right around the shop, but I can't get any 'beer fines' at my first week so I'm good!

Well from tomorrow i'll of course do everything right 'cause my ability to get beer fines starts then, but i'm only trying to finish my adventure books and in the shop, so it's limited how many rules I can break and kits I can scramble.

That's my rhyme


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