Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Birthday's , Las Americas, and really cheap booze !

On the Monday, I had my induction day of my internship, where my flatmate Gerado and I were shown around the dive centre and were shown how things work around here by Will, our instructor.

All of the information seemed really overwhelming, like where kit lives, how to prepare it for diving and which key opens which door. We went for a pool session to do a skills set, which could have been better especially if I’d remembered to bring the Scuba Review slates!
I’ve been given a new name as well – Cassandra, which I quite like. On Tuesday, after putting together kit which confused me, we went to the marina. After I was doing a lot faffery with my kit and my suit we got in the boat and went diving. My knife came out of its sheath on the backward roll entry which meant I couldn’t kill any of the black sea urchins, but Pete found it so I could stab some on the second dive.

It was Melissa’s birthday that day, so Alice made a cake which I really liked. That evening, we went out for a meal and then into Las Americas to celebrate! I couldn’t believe how cheap the alcohol was there, which was definitely a bonus. After the night out we all had the day off on Wednesday so I didn’t do much apart from do a bit of recovering from the night before.

On Thursday, it was back to diving, and I saw a turtle which was one of the best things I think I’ve seen underwater! We did two dives, the first was the Fish ID dive where I saw a load of marine life, like White Bream, Lizard Fish, Blue-Fin Damselfish and the turtle!
Then we did a navigation dive when I had to make a circle and a triangle, and I got really confused with the maths :)

On Friday, we went out on the boat and I didn’t take my seasickness tablet in enough time so I felt grim on the boat. We did a deep dive at Poco Naufragio to 28 metres.  Before the dive we had to do some problems on our slates, and then do them again at depth. I couldn’t write my surname backwards, but in my defence it is stupidly long. The next two dives were search and recovery which we messed up!
Saturday, we went for a shore dive at Abades, and there was a lot of life there too including a lot of invertebrates which I had to Identify as part of my underwater naturalist dive.
Sunday, we went out on the boat again, this time I remembered to take the seasickness tablet as soon as I woke up so I didn’t feel as sick.
We did two dives at Mool Pools and then Los Abrigos and I found it quite hard to dive in the surge, and avoid being pushed into a rock by the current!

I’ve enjoyed my first week here, but it’s been a lot of hard work and there are still a lot of things I need to get used to and I need to learn to do them correctly!

Cassandra (Melissa)

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