Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Night Dives and my first BIG Sting Ray

On Sunday we did our first night dive.

We met at 5.15 and headed off on the boat. I cant say I enjoyed it that much, I found it pretty disorientating in the dark. However when we first got in the water our torches made all the bits in the water glow which was pretty cool.
I enjoyed the second dive a lot more, I saw my first moray eels and a big ray.

BIG Smiles on a night Dive in Tenerife

On Monday we did a skills session in the pool and then did the EFR (Emergency First Response) course. The course was pretty fun and we now know how to take off gloves that are covered in ketchup off without getting any on us as well as plenty of other useful stuff.

I also practiced using an AED for the first time. In the afternoon Eric and I worked on EAP (Emergency Action Plans) which took me a wee while to get the hang of as I started off suggesting that in an emergency you should drive to the shore whilst sending flares up from the boat but several hours in we started getting somewhere and got a more sensible plan.
First Aid Course Tenerife

We did our PADI Rescue course on Tuesday in the marina and Eric was a very violent victim in pretend scenarios!
That course was really useful though and its good practice for if / when a real scenario occurs.
When we did our timed search in the water we were so eager to start searching we didn’t put our weight belts on and jumped straight in. I was hoping nobody had noticed my desperate kicking to descend but I think it provided entertainment!
We managed to find the object in time all the same.
We also did our 800m snorkel again too but my time was slower than the first time I did it.
PADI Rescue Diver Course

On Wednesday we went to Yellow Mountain where we did 2 mapping dives where Eric and I took bearings, spot depths and kick cycles to make a map.
We drew our maps of the dive site when we got back to the shop.
We also did rescue scenarios and I probably did the most pathetic rescue attempt on record pulling Alice onto the boat but I got there in the end.

We went to the dive site Las Eras on Thursday. There was quite a bit of surge and surf but we entered the water successfully and there were lots of big fish about and a whole shoal of trumpet fish were surrounding this randomly placed little nativity on the rock.

For the second dive we went to the pipeline but there wasn´t many fish about maybe because of the surge.
On Friday we went to Abades and I briefed the dive, there was quite a strong surge again and the visibility was very poor.
The visibility has been pretty bad all week as the next days trip to Yellow Mountain was disappointing too because of the bad visibility but it was a good chance to practice buddy contact.

I finished my PADI Divemaster manual reviews this week and its nice to have all the reviews completed.

Saturday was a busy day as when we returned from Yellow Mountain Eric and I went straight to the pool to practiced our skills again and then we went off to give offer try dives to the hotel pool and then returned to clean and dust the basement and shop.

We got Sunday off so Patrick kindly drove Eric and I up to Teide where we got the cable car up to near the top of the volcano at 3555m up.
It was cooler up there and it was nice to see more of the island, the terrain is pretty different from the coast.
You can see all the different set lava flows and we took a few short walks around the rocky landscape.


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